
Undergraduate teaching at UCPH

NBIK15013U - Genome Sequence Analysis

  • For MSc students in Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, and Molecular Biomedicine
  • Credit: 7,5 ECTS
  • Block: 2

NBIK20004U - Advanced Bioinformatics for Next-Generation Sequencing

  • For MSc students in Bioinformatics
  • Credit: 7,5 ECTS
  • Block: 1

NBIK10005U, NBIK10008U, NBIK10009U, NBIK10010U - Bioinformatics Project

  • For MSc students in Bioinformatics
  • Credit: 7,5 ECTS
  • Block: 1-4

Thesis projects

Interested in doing a MSc thesis or Bioinformatics project with us? Send Robin an email to arrange a meeting for discussing research interests.

Possible projects relate to our research interests, including topics such as:

  • Developing machine learning models to learn the sequence determinants of regulatory activity
  • Implementing efficient computational methods to identify regulatory elements and their activities based on transciption initiation data
  • Developing computational frameworks for assessing regulatory activities and enhancer-gene regulatory interactions in single cells
  • Applying computational methods developed in the lab or elsewhere to assess regulatory activities in specific biological systems or to derive atlas-scale data for further analyses
  • Developing computational frameworks for variant-to-function analysis